Best Fluffy Escapist Bathtub Reading
Soulless, Gail Carriger
- This wins for having a time period realistic yet spunky spinster heroine and a dreamy werewolf romantic interest. And an awesome cover. Oh and an engaging story.
- In the part of my mind where I am a successful author Meg Cabot is my archnemesis. How does she write so, so many books? I loved Heather and I love that she doesn't lose weight to land a man. And there is something about the NYC dorm setting that takes me back to watching Felicity obsessively with my own college roommates.
- I adore Jennifer Echols! I would happily live inside either of these books. So cute and fun!
- Poe tops my book boyfriend list so that already lets you know the affection I have for these books. There's also the vicarious Ivy League experience you get when reading these without having to endure student debt and crushing pressure to achieve. Also the satisfying and suspenseful plots with well drawn characters help.
- These books have contributed a great deal to keeping me sane this year throughout various small child induced states of rage and weariness. Bubblegum cartoon cover art mixed with a large font size, predictable in a good way happy endings, and reliably readable in an hour or less. The ideal bathtub reading.
Best Literature for Grownups
Go With Me, Castle Freeman Jr.
- short, chivalrous, creepy, AMAZING ENDING!
- "A charming love triangle in Nairobi, Kenya, forms the center of a novel that manages to be both sweet and gripping." -Publisher's Weekly
- sad, weird, hilarious
- "Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul."
- "Ogawa weaves a poignant tale of beauty, heart, and sorrow in her exquisite new novel." (Publisher's Weekly)