This is the start to a trilogy about a family of sisters who operate a road house on the Montana frontier in the 1880's. It seems like every Christian fiction title is either about pioneers/westward ho!/cowboys or the Amish. At least according to what is on the shelf at Borders. It's a giant wall of Amish girls staring out at you with some covers like this one in the mix.
I really enjoyed this book. The writing is of a higher quality than other Christian titles I've ventured into. The story and the romance was engaging and the religious sentiment was woven naturally into the plot. I have to say I wish there was an LDS Tracie Peterson out there to raise the bar on what is in the Deseret Book catalog. The book summaries in there are unintentionally hilarious (and yet I still manage to read them; although I'm realizing that 2009 hasn't included any so far).
Is Mr Rochester a psychopath?
11 hours ago